Web journalism is more than just publishing some news on the web. The journalists have a wider scope to attract interest of the readers and add real value to their works by using external hyperlinks, graphs, illustrations, images, audio and video. The success also lies with the efficient use of the web 2.0 applications like social networking tools and using search engines/wikis for research.
The Rising Voices Grantee the Serbian Web Journalism School is teaching several interesting skills to the students. They learned how to draw up their maps using Google maps in order to illustrate a web-story. Here is the slide of the presentation (In Serbian language):
Using Google Maps student Bojan Velickovic illustrates a satirical suggestion of a new oil pipeline in Europe considering the current energy crisis:
The students were also taught the skills of searching contents from the web:
How to contact Bloggers? The goal of journalists is a collection of high quality and providing information as soon as possible. A good example is a web-portal “Global voices” for collecting valuable opinions and information that many international media use in informing the public.
Here is the link to the lecture slide titled ‘Citation of blogs and the media, “Global Voices Online” in the web-journalism‘.
After collecting the information there is a need to verify facts from online sources such as Wikipedia. They were also taught how to cooperate on a team work using Wiki:
“PBWiki” was presented as a concept for cooperation and team work. During the classes, the students wrote texts together by correspondence over “PBWiki”.
Professor Danica Radovanovic has given lecture on the possibilities and the advantages of Facebook. Students Dragan Milošević and Goran Necin have opened a ‘Group’ called ‘Journalists in the network‘ in which they wrote:
Possibilities of Facebook are huge! Now I have even more friends on this Internet page…. The missions of this group are tolerance, connecting, socialising and (generating) new ideas.
Dragana Banković shows the popularity of the Facebook using a simple graph:
Goran Necin also posted in his blog an overview of the Serbian Blogosphere:
(The) Serbian blogosphere is one pretty lively and interesting place. Anyone can find something there. Like old culinary receipts that has been truly treasury of (not only culinary) knowledge.
Note: Here are some resources for online journalism at JPROF.
1 comment
i am completly impressed by the diversity of activities you offer at the web school. how lucky the students are and I’m sure they enjoy putting this knowledge in practice!