Nari Jibon: Welcoming Spring

Nari Jibon Bloggers

Nari Jibon bloggers are eager to portray their country and culture to the world. In Bangladesh the spring (Bosonto) season consists of two months Falgun and Chaitra. The first day of spring (Pahela Falgun) is celebrated on February 13. Spring brings color and festivities to Bangladesh. Narijibon bloggers arranged a cultural program consisting of traditional songs, dance and recitation of poems to celebrate Pahela Falgun. They started their program with a popular Rabindra Sangeet “Aha aji a bosonte” (aha today in this spring). Watch from this video.

Jannatul Fardoush danced with the tune of one of the popular Bengali songs Bristi pore tapur tupur (noise of rain). Watch it here:

The bloggers write about the nature and beauty of Bangladesh and posts pictures frequently.

Mohtarimun Nahar [Bipa] took a boat trip through Buriganga and Shitalaksha rivers to celebrate Pahela Falgun. Read her photo essay. She also posts some pictures of beautiful flowers from the horticulture center at Gulshan Park.

Photo by Bipa

“পদ্মা যমুনা মধুমতি আর
মেঘনার মালা কন্ঠে পরি,
দাঁড়ায়ে রয়েছে সুজলা যে দেশ
সেই দেশে বাস আমরা করি।”

“Padma, Jamuna, Modhumati and
Meghna rivers covering its neck
here stands our fertile land and
we live happily ever in its back.”

Beauty of Bangladesh
Photo by Asma Akhter Choity

Ayesha Sanjida Synthia writes about the natural beauty of Bangladesh.

প্রকৃতির লীলাক্ষেত্র আমাদের এ রূপসী বাংলাদেশ। পার্বত্য চট্টগ্রামের পাহাড়, জলপ্রপাত, বনভূমি এদেশকে করে তুলেছে অপূর্ব রূপময়।এছাড়াও বাংলাদেশের কিছু পাহাড়-পর্বত ছাড়া সমগ্র বাংলাদেশ এক বিশাল বদ্বীপ। অর্থাৎ, সমভূমি অঞ্চল।

Our beautiful Bangladesh is a playground of nature. Beauties like the Chittagong Hill-tracts, some waterfalls, forests have ornated the country. Except some hilly areas the whole Bangladesh is a riverine delta.

Lush green of Bangladesh
Photo by: Zannat Ara Amzad

সম্প্রতি আমি গ্রামে গিয়েছিলাম। আমি আমার জীবনের প্রথম ট্রেনে উঠেছিলাম। ধীরে ধীরে ট্রেনটি শহর পেরিয়ে গ্রামে চলে এলো। আবহাওয়া ছিল অনেক ভাল। উপরে পরিষ্কার আকাশ, নিচে সবুজ শ্যামলা সুন্দর ও মনোরম প্রাকৃতিক দৃশ্য দেখে চোখ জুড়িয়ে যায়।

Recently I went to the village. It was my first train ride. The train left the urban areas and went towards rural areas. The weather was fine. The sky was clear and the lush green and heavenly natural beauty moved us.

Merry Go round in a village. Photo by Hira

Photo by Hira

Taslima Akter visited Ahsan Manzil, one of the most significant architectural monuments in Bangladesh and posted some pictures.

Ahsan Manjil

I was delighted to visit Nari Jibon and its bloggers last January and take a short workshop on blogging. The goal was to answer questions of the bloggers, talk about their problems, their challenges and inspire them. Here is what Zannat Ara Amzad has to say about it. Look at the whole bunch of enthusiastic bloggers who attended the workshop.

Workshop at Nari Jibon

Sujan informs that another project of Narijibon has started:

Nari Jibon Development Foundation has set up Volunteer Peer Educators group to promote awareness on HIV/AIDS, Domestic Violence, Early Marriage etc. Some staff of NJDF motivated students trained and established a group of students who are supposed to work as Volunteer Peer Educators to their respective communities on the above issues especially HIV/AIDS and Domestic Violence as Nari Jibon students and staffs think that younger women are more vulnerable to these issues and adolescents can act a great role to prevent these issues. On the other hand these are the major and vital problems in Bangladesh.

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