Rising Voices congratulates Cristina Quisbert, a member of the Voces Bolivianas community, for winning the BlogHer '09 International Activist BlogHer Scholarship. She was selected as one of the 5 bloggers around the world who will be attending the Blog Her international women blogging conference in Chicago on July 24-25, 2009.
According to Cristina's nominator:
“The mission of this blog is to strive to show indigenous communities as a source of pride. There are a lot of misconceptions about indigenous people, and Cristina shows a more personal side and uses her own voice to represent other members of indigenous communities in the Bolivian Altiplano. Cristina is a bridge blogger, allowing fellow Bolivians who may not identify themselves as a member of an indigenous community, to interact and learn about indigenous communities in another region of the country. By also writing a blog in English, she is able to reach a much wider audience and show another side of life in El Alto, Bolivia.”
In one of her latest blog entry she posts this beautiful Slideshow on the Sun Island in Titicaca lake.
Check her flickr account for some great photos.
She writes is her Spanish language blog about the Digital City – Technology Fair in La Paz which took place between 15-17th May, 2009.
Hugo Miranda has more details about this fair.
Prof. Lic. Elsa Muruchi Paco of the Voces Bolivianas Santa Cruz community writes about the importance of working with secondary students:
At the secondary level teachers are in constant personal contact with students. Often teachers communicate better with students than their own parents sometimes happens that a student finds a teacher in his only means of communication with the world of adults, the rapid growth of the student's physical, mental, and emotional, their reactions are unpredictable, this makes the challenge is greater.
Sergio Gutierrez posts some photos of a memorable class trip.
Dora Romero of Las Ideas Son Primero (Ideas Are First) writes about the developments of the city of El Alto that only about a year ago she had to go by bus more than half an hour to find an internet shop. Now there are Internet shops in each block in her locality, even on a single street there are three Internet shops. She fears whether this rapid growth of technology will make people slaves of machines.
Alberto Medrano at Noticias El Alto posts about Miss La Paz with photos.
For more details of the Rising Voices grantee Voices Bolivianas community please refer to the project page.
congrats cristina..,
We are a media activist organization based in kerala.We started our first chapter in banglore in 2001. We work with media to create an understanding of socio-political realities existing in our society. Existing notions have to be challenged to achieve socio-political change and towards this we realise the strength of using different forms of media – as organizing tools.
Our forms of intervention include the visual medium (documentaries and fiction films on socio-political issues, reports, video leaflets), print media (booklets, pamphlets, calendars) and the web medium to carry forward the struggle.
In Karnataka, we have been involved with struggles for Dalit rights, women’s rights, adivasi rights, sexuality minority rights, class struggles, issues of environment and displacement, communalism – among several others. We do the same in kerala also.
In kerala the film societies have played a major role in the socio political development.we still carry the memories of Odessa and their role in the kerala society.we still belive that there is a a major political space to intervene with the medium of films,and will shape the discourse in the creation of contemporary kerala society.
We fund ourselves – through our film sales, book sales, contributions from friends and supporters, film screenings, equipment hire, etc.We dont belive in making revolution using foreign funds.
pedespic@gmail.com support us………….. usus…sendarticles,neletters etc..