Nesma Gewily has been working with youth and development for the past several years and took an active interest in finding ways to use citizen media to engage youth and their creative talents. She is one of the most recent Rising Voices grantees in Egypt and is partnering with the local non-profit organization Alwan Wa Awtar, which has been serving children and youth in the Mokattam Hills neighborhoods in Cairo for the past five years. Some of the organization's activities include puppet-making, music lessons, academic enrichment, and all types of creative arts. Now, Nesma is organizing the Mokattam Blog Tales project at the Alwan Wa Awtar Center, as a way to teach teenagers how to use citizen media to tell the story of their neighborhood. In this video, Nesma talks about her hopes for the project and what she thinks the project will mean to the youth of the neighborhood.
It is good to see fellow Egyptians associated and helping through Rising Voices!
Welcome to RisingVoices!
Global Voices in Chinese
What a wonderful project. Welcome to the GV community!
Wonderful job Nesma. All the best for Mokattam Blog Tales!
Hisham (Morocco)
Hello Nesma!
Congratulations! Best of luck with the project.
Greetings from Chile
Thank you Hisham and Felipe
All the best,
Nesma (Egypt)