Building Tools for Musical Documentation

Rising Voices Grantee Project Update

Community of sticker designers collaborating. Photo by project.

Community of sticker designers collaborating. Photo by project.

After many years making music, we asked ourselves why it was important to document bands that were talking about things about the reality that surrounds us. How do they talk about alternatives to violence in Mexico? What can we say about racism? Is it possible to talk about inequality? How are they writing about alternatives? Is it possible to collaborate to create musical content that has social reflections?

Fabricación-de-Rack-para-Podcast-y-cuadros-para-serigrafía-3.1-450x600For this task, it is important to ask ourselves what tools are functional so that music can be shared effectively. That is how necessity came about to build the Santiaguero Rack D.I.Y. for cultural documentation.

This task was collaborative, participating from its most basic elaboration. We invite the community of change that support us with the graphic design content on the rack:

In any case, why is it important to document ourselves? We believe that it is very important to listen to the voice of those that surround us. We consider that by learning to listen and be listened to allows for ways of musical collaboration that build the social network. The first collaborators were Mayaclan and PatBoy, to whom this blog post was dedicated.

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