Rising Voices Grantee Project Update
Written by Roberto Chávez, Wambra Radio
On November 21-22, 2014, the second training workshop for the construction of websites for community radios in the South-Central Amazon region of Ecuador took place in the city of Macas, in the Ecuadorian province of Morona Santiago as part of the project “Shuar, Achuar, Kichwa: Our stories, Our Language on the Web.”
Held at the headquarters of Radio Voices of the NAE belonging to the Achuar People of Ecuador, communicators and popular communicators from community media from the Shuar, Achuar, and Amazonian Kichwa took part. The workshop's objective was to provide free tools, contribute content, and build the websites in a participatory way for each of their media projects.
This workshop provided insight into the need for new information and communication technologies for indigenous peoples and nationalities and how these may contribute to their community radio work, strengthening their advocacy and community links.
Each radio wrote a blog post sharing their experiences in the workshops. These publications can be found at their websites:
Radios la Voz de las Cascadas:
El día de hoy viernes 21 de noviembre del 2014, se inició la capacitación a comunicadores de las tres radio comunitarios de morona Santiago, Radio Arutam, Cascada y NAE, acto que se realizó a las 10:00 AM en las instalaciones de la Radio NAE en la ciudad de Macas con importantes capacitadores de colectivo el churo
Esperamos que este taller sea un éxito, para mejorar la calidad de información y seguir con la difusión de contenidos adecuados y responsables, como también dar informaciones las actividades realizadas desde las bases comunitarias para dar a conocer al país y el mundo entero.
On Friday November 21, 2014, the training of community journalists from three community radio stations in Morona Santiago: Radio Arutam, Cascada, and NAE started at 10:00 am at the headquarters of the Radio NAE in the city of Macas led by trainers of the Churo collective.
We hope that this workshop will be a success in order to improve the quality of information and continue the responsible dissemination of relevant content, as well as to provide information about activities from the grassroots to share with the country and the world.
Hoy viernes 21 de Noviembre del 2014 se inicia taller de capacitación para construcción de Página web de las radios comunitarias, con la participación de: Voz de Arutam, Voz de las Cascadas, Jatari Kichwa y Voz de La NAE más con el apoyo técnico de Churo comunicaciones, aquí en las instalaciones de nuestro medio.
En este evento los participantes han opinado que, poseer Web en cada una de las radios nos fortalecerá poder difundirlas del proceso de lucha de nuestras organizaciones, nuestra cultura, música, arte, sabiduría ancestral, canticos, cuentos, mitos, leyendas, etc…
Además cada comunicador de distintas radios comunitarias han expuesto sus inquietudes, han compartido sus experiencias. Este trabajo conjunto nos fortalece y nos anima seguir construyendo Red de medios comunitarios en Ecuador.
Today, Friday, November 21, 2014, the training workshop begins for building websites for community radio, with the participation of: Voz de Arutam, Voz de las Cascadas, Jatari Kichwa and Voz de La NAE, along with the technical support from Churo communications here at the facilities of our radio station.
During this event, the participants have expressed their opinion that having our own website for each of the radio stations will strengthen us to disseminate the process of struggle of our organizations, our culture, music, art, ancestral wisdom, songs, stories, myths, legends, etc…
Furthermore, each community radio communicator has presented their concerns and shared their experiences. This partnership strengthens us and encourages us to continue to build a network of community media in Ecuador.
El dirigente de medios de comunicación de la Federación Interprovincial de Centros Shuar el señor Florencio Tupikia, convocó a comunicadores de radio Arutam un taller de capacitación sobre “ELABORACION DE PAGINAS WEB PARA RADIO ONLINE. Este taller dio inicio siendo las 10H45 a.m. en la emisora la voz de la NAE. Roberto Chávez, tutor con un saludo dio la bienvenida a todos los participantes de este evento y dijo sentirse contento por la concurrencia de los comunidades y resaltó que el compromiso es mejorar el buen uso y manejo de radio ONLINE, desde sus radios comunitarias creo eso es la visión concluyó.
Asimismo el tutor dio a conocer el horario de entrada y salida del taller, finalizando las indicaciones señalo que es importante conocer la importancia de la página web en las radios comunitarias. Concluyendo se dividió el trabajo grupal con los mismos compañeros.
Leader of the Interprovincial Federation of Shuar Centers, Mr. Florencio Tupikia, gathered communicators from Radio Arutam for a training workshop on “Creation of websites for online radios.” This workshop began at 10.45 am at the headquarters of Radio Voz de la NAE. Roberto Chavez, workshop leader welcomed all of participants of this event and said he was happy with the turnout of the communities and stressed that the commitment and vision is to improve the proper use and management of online radio.
Likewise, the workshop leader announced the schedule, ending with the indications about the importance of having a website for community radios. In conclusion, participants were divided into working group with other members.
This training space allowed for community communicators from Amazonian radio stations to demystify the paradigm that these new technologies are only at the service of those who can afford them, providing alternatives for through free internet tools.
Following the workshop, each of the radio stations will continue updating their websites with information, news, and radio productions, allowing each of the community radio stations from the South-Central Amazon in Ecuador to be heard beyond their communal lands.