Photo provided by Jacey Firth-Hagen, who is wearing a #SpeakGwichinToMeShirt, Dickson Designs headband on Yellowknives Dene Territory.
Rising Voices: Please tell us about yourself.
Shii Jacey Firth-Hagen. Inuvik ihlii. Srii Ts'oo K'aii gidaan gwiichin. My name is Jacey Firth-Hagen. I am born and raised in Inuvik, Northwest Territories, Canada and currently living in the capital of the NT in Yellowknife. I am the creator of the online language revitalization initiative Gwich'in Language Revival Campaign #SpeakGwichinToMe. Follow the hashtag on most social media platforms (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc). I have been learning my Gwich'in language for over a decade. It is one of the most endangered languages. I love my language and it makes me happy to share and to learn my language.
RV: What is the current status of your language on the internet and offline?
There are less then 500 Gwich'in language speakers.
RV: On what topics do you plan to focus during the week that you’ll manage the @NativeLangsTech Twitter account?
I will share information about the Gwich'in language, share the language, my language journey, and beautiful initiatives taking place.
RV: What are the main motivations for your digital activism for your language? What are your hopes and dreams for your language?
My language work is dedicated to my diduu (grandmother), family, community, peoples, and ancestors. My hopes and dreams for my language is accessibility and fluency for everyone.