Latest posts by Diego Villegas
Chariboan Joi's Blog as a Space to Share Their Accomplishments
The blog by Chariboan Joi team is just one of the ways chosen to spread the word about the citizen journalism activities of the Shipibo youth in the Peruvian Amazon.
Shipibo Youth Take the Next Step as Chariboan Joi Digital Journalists
From February 9 -20, the Chariboan Joi Digital Journalism Workshop was held, where young participants were trained in citizen journalism and how to use digital tools to report on the Peruvian Amazon.
Chariboan Joi Prepares Journalism Workshop for Shipibo Youth
Between February 9 -20, 2015 Chariboan Joi will organize a digital journalism workshop for the youth selected from various Amazonian communities.
Documenting Elder Storytelling at the Shipibo Chariboan Joi Cultural Festival
Here we share with you a review of the Shipibo Cultural Festival "Chariboan Joi" held in early December 2014, where local youth were trained as citizen journalist to capture the traditional stories of the community elders.
Preparing for the Chariboan Joi Cultural Festival Festival in Shipibo Communities
The Chariboan Joi team tells us about the cultural festival, prepared along with representatives from involved communities, Betania, Palestina, Bethel and Alva Castro.
Shipibo Citizen Journalism Soaring Like the Maracaná Macaw
Rising Voices note: This is the first project update written by our grantee project in Peru as part of the Rising Voices Amazonia initiative. Every month, grantees will write a...