Eddie Avila · April, 2010

Latest posts by Eddie Avila from April, 2010

Featured Blogger: Yesenia Corrales

  27 April 2010

For the past three years, the Medellín-based project HiperBarrio project has focused on shining a light on different neighborhoods around the city. However, it has been the hard work of the project coordinators and the new bloggers, who have added life to the project. This is another interview with one of these bloggers, Yesenia Corrales, who will also be present at the Global Voices Citizen Media Summit in Santiago, Chile that will be held on May 6-7.

Ask Rising Voices Your Application Questions

  19 April 2010

As part of Rising Voices' outreach to potential applicants for our latest round of microgrant funding for citizen media projects in Egypt, which will be due on Friday, April 30, we will be offering a bilingual live chat for interested individuals or organizations. Please visit here on Wednesday, April 21 at 8 PM CLT (6 PM GMT/UTC) to participate as we answer questions from interested applicants.

Rising Voices Seeks Micro-Grant Proposals for Citizen Media Outreach in Egypt

  14 April 2010

Rising Voices, the outreach arm of Global Voices Online, in collaboration with the Heinrich Böll Foundation, is now accepting project proposals from non-governmental organizations (NGOs) or individuals for microgrant funding of up to €2500 for teaching blogging, videoblogging, or other citizen media techniques to teach underrepresented groups in EGYPT. Deadline is April 30, 2010.

Featured Blogger: Nat Nyuan-Bayjay

  5 April 2010

"Nat's work changes lives in Liberia and beyond and is a constant reminder to me of why citizen media is important," is how Ruthie Ackerman, the founder of Ceasefire Liberia describes the work of Nat Nyuan-Bayjay, the project's blog manager. Nat will be on hand at the Global Voices Summit in Santiago, Chile on May 6 & 7 to share about his work.