Latest posts by Eddie Avila from July, 2011
[Podcast] Update from Transparent Chennai
We recently spoke with Siddharth Hande from the Rising Voices grantee project Transparent Chennai in India. In this podcast, Sid describes how he started working with the fishing villages and his special interest in mapping activities. He also provides additional information about future activities in these communities.
Join Us for a Discussion on Mobile Phones for Citizen Media
Rising Voices will be participating as part of an online discussion to be held July 27 - August 2, 2011 hosted by the New Tactics for Human Rights platform. The discussion will focus on "Using Mobile Phones for Citizen Media," and we'll focus our participation on the work by our grantee Ségou Villages Connection in Mali.
Twitter to Promote and Preserve Underrepresented Languages
The project Indigenous Tweets started by Kevin Scannell has been tracking and highlighting Twitter accounts that have been using the microblogging platform to promote and preserve underrepresented language communities. Currently the project is tracking more than a hundred different language groups.
Guinea-Bissau: Featured on Global Voices Podcast
The Rising Voices grantee project "Youth Voices of Bandim and Enterramento" was recently featured in the newest episode of the Global Voices podcast. Listen to hear some of the sounds of the Manjuandadi group, a women's singing group in the capital city of Bissau.