Jennie Rose Halperin is the Senior Communications Manager at Creative Commons. An open knowledge advocate, convener, researcher, and librarian, she has worked at O'Reilly Media, Mozilla, and a number of academic archives and libraries including Humboldt Universität zu Berlin and University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. She tweets @little_wow
Latest posts by Jennie Rose Halperin
Is it possible to decolonize the Commons? An interview with Jane Anderson of Local Contexts – Part 2
How can we have an open movement that works for everyone, not only the most powerful? How have power structures historically worked against Indigenous communities, and how can the Creative Commons community work to change this historic inequality?
Is it possible to decolonize the Commons? An interview with Jane Anderson of Local Contexts – Part 1
How can we have an open movement that works for everyone, not only the most powerful? How have power structures historically worked against Indigenous communities, and how can the Creative Commons community work to change this historic inequality?