Latest posts by Maryna Reshetnyak from April, 2011
Ukraine: Blogging about Dreams
Following the training on the use of citizen media, Activists of the Association of Substitution Treatment Advocates of Ukraine believe that blogging can be an important tool in advocating the rights of the patients, and also as an outlet to write about their personal hopes and dreams.
Ukraine: Harm Reduction Activists Improve Storytelling Skills
In March 2011, patients of substitution therapy programs took part in a training event ‘We are Media’ in the Ukrainian city of Dnepropetrovsk. The citizen media training taught the patients how to use blogs and digital storytelling to share their experiences with harm reduction programs.
Ukraine: Harm Reduction Activists Discuss Association's Progress
The website of the Association of Substitution Therapy Advocates of Ukraine recently has published an article where an activist Yekaterina Slavskaya analyses the current state of affairs and the future of the Association.