Latest posts by Rezwan from October, 2008
Nari Jibon: Empowering women of Bangladesh
Empowerment of women in Bangladesh is a important social issue and the citizen journalists of the Nari Jibon project from Bangladesh are trying to do so learning valuable computer, business, and language skills besides learning about citizen media tools such as blogging, photography and video. With these skills they are able to empower themselves with more opportunities. Nari Jibon bloggers also celebrated the Blog Action Day 2008 and discussed about poverty in their country.
Voces Bolivianas: Blogging social unrest
Bolivia's recent social unrest was covered by the Voces Bolivianas Bloggers. They posted reports, photos and videos of the march and other protests by tens of thousands of peasants, miners, coca-growers, and other supporters of the government of Evo Morales.
Blog Action Day: Poverty and citizen media
On the eve of the Blog Action Day 2008 Poverty Rising Voices discusses how citizen media can raise awareness and initiate actions to eradicate poverty.
FOKO: A successful Barcamp in Madagascar
A BarCamp was held in Madagascar on October 4, 2008 in the capital Antananarivo. Organized by the Rising Voices Grantee FOKO it was the first event of such kind in Madagascar.