Latest posts by Rezwan from October, 2010
FOKO: Traditional Malagasy Fence
The bloggers of the rising Voices grantee in Madagascar FOKO love to write on issues surrounding them. In this roundup we learn about “Tamboho gasy” – the traditional Malagasy fence and many more.
Blogging Since Infancy: Ceibal Plan Is A Success Story
Uruguay’s national OLPC project Plan Ceibal provided an XO ($100 laptop) to each of the 395,000 children in primary school from 1st to 6th grade across the country’s 2332 public schools. The Plan Ceibal ranked well in several evaluations and has become a success story to be replicated in other parts of the world.
Rising Voices Bloggers On Blog Action Day 2010
Blog Action Day is an annual event that unites the world's bloggers in posting about the same issue on the same day. The aim is to raise awareness and trigger a global discussion around an important issue that impacts us all. This year's theme is ‘water'. A few Rising Voices bloggers have also participated in this event.
Nomad Green: Thinking Beyond Mining in Mongolia
In the past two decades investment in mining sector in Mongolia has risen manifolds. It seems every other country is interested to extract mineral resources from Mongolia by all means necessary. But these extreme mining and other practices have created many environmental problems in Mongolia. The citizen journalists of Nomad Green discuss these issues.