Latest posts by Rezwan from November, 2011
Languages: Online Activism To Save Chakma Language
The Chakma language is an Indo-European language spoken by approx. 310,000 people in southeast Bangladesh and another 300,000 in India in the Eastern parts of India. It is written using the Chakma script which is dying because many Chakmas do not have the opportunity to learn their language in schools. But Chakma people are using social media and web technologies to preserve and spread their language.
Languages: Promoting Indigenous African Language Films
An effective way to preserve indigenous languages and save them from total extinction is to encourage the production of indigenous language films. The 5th Festival of Indigenous African Language Films was held from 2-5 October 2011, in Akure, Nigeria. Making of films in indigenous languages will expand the coding, documentation, and communicative capacities of the languages and link African diaspora to their roots.