Romina Oliverio

Based in Toronto, Romina has experience in online volunteering management, online strategies and social media. She has worked with as their online communities manager and volunteer coordinator, and has contributed to the coordination of social media campaigns including, Amnesty International, and Social Action's Change the Web.

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Latest posts by Romina Oliverio

Case Study: An Interview with Wycliffe Sande

  12 June 2011

Rising Voices continues its look at the projects of the Map Kibera Trust in Nairobi, Kenya. This post features an interview with Wycliffe Sande, who is the coordinator of the Voice of Kibera and one of the members of the Kibera News Network. He talks about how he started with the project, and how it has made a difference in the community.

Case Study: Mapping and Hearing the Voice of Kibera

  7 May 2011

This continues the series posts featuring projects engaging with underrepresented communities through citizen media training workshops. This post takes a look at the Map Kibera project in Kenya with an interview with its co-founders, Erica Hagen and Mikel Maron.