Stories about @ActLenguas from June, 2020
Interview with Alcides Javier Torres Gutt, Guaraní language digital activist
Find more about Alcides Javier Torres Gutt. He will manage the @ActLenguas Twitter account during June 15-21, 2020 and will talk about his work for the Guaraní language.
Interview with Elena Tambriz, K’iche’ language digital activist
Learn more about Elena Tambriz. She is the host of the @ActLenguas Twitter account during June 1-7, 2020 and will speak about her work in support of the K’iche’ language.
Interview with Claudio Hernandez, Mixtec language digital activist
Learn more about Claudio Hernandez. He is the host of the @ActLenguas Twitter account during April 13-19, 2020 and will focus on the Mixtec (Tu’un Savi) language, a variant of the Mixtepec.