Stories about Learning and Opportunities from March, 2014
Resources for Video Activism: Witness
Are you using video to make your campaign a reality? Are you telling stories or filming actions with cameras - or your phone? On March 28th, we host a #GVFace with Witness to talk about tips on using video for advocacy. Here are some of their tips sheets and toolkits.
Winning a Grant, Growing a Community: Orsolya Jenei
To get a sense of how it was to be a micrograntee, we asked Orsolya Jenei, the lead for the Mapping for Niger project, to share some of her experiences about the process. The project was a recipient in 2013 and is ongoing.
Ten Ways Educators Can Use Wikipedia
Wikipedia is meant to be a starting point, not a final source of knowledge. It is permanently incomplete and evolving, with continuous formal and informal review. Delving into that process, learners can explore critical reading, digital literacy and deep questions of knowledge. From Wikipedia's blog, a discussion of how educators can use wikipedia.
Perpetuating Culture, Restoring Language: Tlingit and the Sealaska Heritage Institute
“We don’t want what you did here to only echo in the air, how our grandfathers used to do things..." The Sealaska Heritage Institute works with native and endangered languages in the Pacific Northwest, developing a younger generation of speakers.
CLC 2014: Coding for Language Communities
"Can the Subaltern code?" CIDLeS Summer School 2014: Coding for Language Communities, a conference that aims to give everyone the ability to engage digital spaces in their mother tongues.