Stories about Nari Jibon
Nari Jibon: Welcoming Spring
Nari Jibon bloggers from Bangladesh are eager to portray their country and culture to the world. They have arranged a cultural program consisting of traditional songs, dance and recitation of poems to celebrate the first day of Spring and posted the videos of the celebration. They have also posted photo essays to portray the beauty of their country.
Nari Jibon: “Street Children”
Global Voices contributing author Aparna Ray has translated a poem by Nari Jibon blogger Naoshin Tushil entitled "Street Children."
Nari Jibon: End Violence Against Women
25th of November was the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women. To mark the day Nari Jibon bloggers signed the UNIFEM petition "SAY NO to violence against women". Nari Jibon bloggers joined the campaign with Take Back the Tech to take action on ending violence against women.
Nari Jibon Featured in Venezuelan National Newspaper Tal Cual
One of the many goals of Rising Voices is to help facilitate conversation between countries in the so-called 'Global South'. Last month Laura Vidal, a Venezuelan journalist who publishes the column Blogpodium for the national daily Tal Cual, wrote about Rising Voices grantee Nari Jibon, which is based in Dhaka, Bangladesh. What follows is an English translation of her original piece.
Nari Jibon Bloggers Start Writing in Their Own Language
Despite a few posts published in Bengali on their group blog, Amader Kotha ("Our Stories"), most Nari Jibon bloggers have had to write solely in English due to the lack of online and computer support for the Bengali language. Over the past few months Taslima, the supervisor of Nari Jibon's computer section, has been collecting best practices regarding how to blog in Bengali. Yesterday she led a workshop at the Nari Jibon center focused specifically on Bengali unicode, the various Bengali-language blogging platforms, and how to set up a Blogger-based blog in the bloggers' native language.
Nari Jibon: Empowering women of Bangladesh
Empowerment of women in Bangladesh is a important social issue and the citizen journalists of the Nari Jibon project from Bangladesh are trying to do so learning valuable computer, business, and language skills besides learning about citizen media tools such as blogging, photography and video. With these skills they are able to empower themselves with more opportunities. Nari Jibon bloggers also celebrated the Blog Action Day 2008 and discussed about poverty in their country.
Blog Action Day: Poverty and citizen media
On the eve of the Blog Action Day 2008 Poverty Rising Voices discusses how citizen media can raise awareness and initiate actions to eradicate poverty.
Rising Voices Blog Carnival: Celebration in Communities
We present to you the first Rising Voices Blog Carnival. We requested articles from different Rising Voices grantees communities. The topic is "What is the biggest celebration in your community each year?"
Creativity Leads to Sustainability
Rising Voices microgrants provide citizen media training projects in the developing world with just enough funding to get off the ground. Many of these projects, however, have become so successful that they are now attracting the interest of more local community members who want to learn how to communicate effectively online. In order to continue their training workshops and outreach activities, they have had to come up with creative strategies for financial sustainability.
Nari Jibon: Using Blogs to Give Bangladeshi Women New Skills
The words "Nari Jibon" should be familiar to regular Rising Voices readers. The Dhaka-based project which has integrated blogging and citizen media into its English and computer classes has been covered frequently on Rising Voices in the past. In this video, we hear directly from the students and staff to get to know the individuals behind the blogs.
Nari Jibon: Making a difference
In this post we will experience Bangladesh through the eyes of Nari Jibon bloggers, learn more about some of the people behind Nari Jibon and learn how the project is making a difference with its blogging activities.
Citizen journalism and Rising Voices
We hear the term 'citizen journalism' almost everywhere. But to be precise, what is it? Why do we need to embrace citizen journalism? What effects does it have on a society and how can it give a voice to the people who are under reported in the mainstream media? We will find the answer to those questions in this feature and learn how the Rising Voices projects are embracing citizen journalism.
Nari Jibon: The joy of having their own blog
The women of Nari Jibon traveled a long way to overcome shyness, opening themselves up, build their confidence and were trained to tell their stories to the world via blogging. With much effort and support from the educators and a little help from the friends of Nari Jibon the students are now publishing stories, poems photos etc. in their own blogs.