Stories about Hiper-Barrio from August, 2007
Medellín, Colombia: The Recipe
The clip of the young participants - produced using Microsoft's Windows Movie Maker - shows them explaining the 'recipe' of how to improve city-wide communication using participatory tools like blogs. At the end of the clip we are shown screenshots of the participants' weblogs (linked to at the right-hand side of the workshop website).
HiperBarrio: Local Stories, Global Audience
As promised, this is the second installment of a two-part podcast about Medellín, Colombia and how the HiperBarrio project is taking advantage of the city's new network of library parks to teach the skills of citizen media to young people from the working class northern hills.
Medellin, Colombia: From Kidnapping Capital to Renaissance City
Medellín Colombia is synonymous with drugs, with Pablo Escobar, Marxist guerilla groups, and violent paramilitarists. But over the past decade it is also becoming well known and well regarded for having one of the most ambitious social experiments in Latin America. In this first part of a two-part podcast we become better acquainted with modern day Medellín.
Rising Voices Outreach Projects Get Straight to Work
It was less than a month ago that we announced the first round of Rising Voices outreach projects but already those first five projects have made incredible progress. Let's make a quick dash around the world to see what a little hard work and a lot of collaboration can achieve.