· December, 2007

Stories about Hiper-Barrio from December, 2007

New Bloggers Use Poetry to Describe Their Communities, Feelings, Friends

  31 December 2007

The new bloggers of Rising Voices outreach projects in Colombia, Bolivia, and Bangladesh are more than just up-and-coming citizen journalists. They have also discovered the power of prose to reveal glimpses of the human emotions that bring us together and the local differences that make each of our communities unique.

The First Six Months of Rising Voices

  26 December 2007

As we all get ready to enter 2008, Rising Voices celebrates its first six months of existence. It is time to step back, reflect on where we've come and think about where we are going.

Suso, Gratitude, and Human Dignity

  20 December 2007

Every neighborhood has it's own local set of celebrities who become either famous or infamous for their talents, idiosyncrasies, and personal histories. In San Javier La Loma, a hillside working class community on the outskirts of Medellín, one of the most well-known local celebrities, "Filthy Suso", had, until recently, also been one of the most enigmatic. Thanks to the work of HiperBarrio, a citizen journalism outreach project of Rising Voices, the story of "Filthy Suso" is now known both locally and internationally.