Stories about K-CAP from November, 2008

A Conversation About AIDS in Kwa Mashu

  30 November 2008

Discussing AIDS is never easy, but that is especially true in a community like Kwa Mashu on the outskirts of Durban, South Africa. In this conversation with three young bloggers from Kwa Mashu we see that there is still a lot of differing opinions when it comes to HIV testing, the causes of the disease, and what the South African government should be doing to curb infection rates.

Kwa Mashu Bloggers Tour Ekhaya Multi Arts Centre

  30 November 2008

The K-CAP bloggers from the Kwa Mashu township outside Durban, South Africa improve upon their digital storytelling skills and offer us an in-depth look at the Ekhaya Multi Arts Centre where they have just recently finished their year-long performing arts certificate program. Thanadanani and Ncebo are our hosts throughout the tour as we learn about local music groups, how the arts helps Kwa Mashu's development, and the good and bad that comes along with increased freedom in post-apartheid South Africa.