Stories about Nari Jibon from December, 2007
New Bloggers Use Poetry to Describe Their Communities, Feelings, Friends
The new bloggers of Rising Voices outreach projects in Colombia, Bolivia, and Bangladesh are more than just up-and-coming citizen journalists. They have also discovered the power of prose to reveal glimpses of the human emotions that bring us together and the local differences that make each of our communities unique.
Nari Jibon: Women bloggers and dowry problem in Bangladesh
This week we look at some brilliant articles from Nari Jibon’s women bloggers. They discuss the menace of wedding dowries, which make the lives of poor families difficult by forcing parents to consider female children as burdens. Also, one NJ participant dreams of becoming president and changing the present society to an enlightened, educated and dowry-free society.
The First Six Months of Rising Voices
As we all get ready to enter 2008, Rising Voices celebrates its first six months of existence. It is time to step back, reflect on where we've come and think about where we are going.