Stories about Languages from October, 2011
Ségou Villages: The Wisdom of Bambara Proverbs
Proverbs are short expressions of popular wisdom. In Mali, many of these sayings can be found in the Bambara language, which is the most widely understood language in the country, especially in the Ségou region. It is here where the Rising Voices grantee projects Ségou Villages Connection is teaching rural residents how to use the internet to share stories. However, these proverbs can also be found on various other blogs and Twitter conversations.
Languages: A Podcast of Champions in Warlpiri
The Lajumanu Champions is a classroom of young students in the Northern Territory of Australia. Together with their teacher, Adrian Trost, the students have been producing a monthly podcast, which includes a Warlpiri demonstration highlighting the language spoken by the Aboriginal people.
Languages: Free Wi-Fi on Niue as a Catalyst
Now the island of Niue has free nationwide wi-fi for use by its residents and visitors, how can it be a catalyst to promote the use of the Niuean language at home and abroad? Emani Fakaotimanava-Lui has some ideas and will take part in the online dialogue co-hosted by Rising Voices.
Using Citizen Media Tools to Promote Under-Represented Languages
There are communities emerging around the use of participatory citizen media and web 2.0 tools to promote the use of under-represented languages. Join New Tactics, Rising Voices, Indigenous Tweets, and other practitioners for an online dialogue on Using Citizen Media Tools to Promote Under-Represented Languages from November 16 to 22, 2011.
Languages: Phil Cash Cash and Nez Perce
Phil Cash Cash is a linguist and a member of the Weyiiletpu (Cayuse) and Nuumiipuu (Nez Perce) Indigenous tribes of North America. He is also especially passionate about using the web 2.0 to preserve and revitalize the Nez Perce language, of which he estimates only 20-25 fluent speakers remain.