Stories about Case Studies from January, 2014
OpenDyslexic: the Font Designed to Make Reading Easier
Recognizing the difficulties dyslexic readers face every day, OpenDyslexic is an open sourced font recently developed, helping to make the Internet more accessible to those suffering from this neurological condition.
20 Years of Post-Soviet Reconstruction: Libraries in Kazakhstan
With the fall of the Soviet Union, many of its formerly dependent states gained independence but also experienced a drop in living standards - including the closing of many public services. In Kazakhstan, the Pushkin Library is working to reinstate library programs around the country.
Dueling Encyclopedias: Using Weibo to Boost Wikipedia in China
Finding information online in China may mean using the popular for-profit online encyclopeida Baidu, rather than the open-source Wikipedia. Editor Addis Wang aims to increase awareness in China about Wikipedia (and its knowledge-sharing ethos) using social media with the popular app Weibo.
Training Videos by Farmers, for Farmers
Digital Green integrates innovative technology with global development efforts to improve human wellbeing through the use of videos in the community for agricultural and health improvements.
It's “Nerve-racking”! Getting our Storytellers Offline (and Back On Again)
Transom is an online resource for storytellers, mostly audio-based but delving into the world of visual digital media as well. They recent put on a six-week online workshop - based entirely on Facebook - with several Rising Voices writers participating.
Diferencial CAC: A Hacklab in Quito, Ecuador
Diferencial CAC is a space for art and digital culture projects, a hackerspace, a coworking space, and a transmitter of all kinds of collaborative and technological ideas located at the Contemporary Art Center in Quito. A video tour and interviews with the founder.