Stories about Case Studies
Dueling Encyclopedias: Using Weibo to Boost Wikipedia in China
Finding information online in China may mean using the popular for-profit online encyclopeida Baidu, rather than the open-source Wikipedia. Editor Addis Wang aims to increase awareness in China about Wikipedia (and its knowledge-sharing ethos) using social media with the popular app Weibo.
Training Videos by Farmers, for Farmers
Digital Green integrates innovative technology with global development efforts to improve human wellbeing through the use of videos in the community for agricultural and health improvements.
It's “Nerve-racking”! Getting our Storytellers Offline (and Back On Again)
Transom is an online resource for storytellers, mostly audio-based but delving into the world of visual digital media as well. They recent put on a six-week online workshop - based entirely on Facebook - with several Rising Voices writers participating.
Diferencial CAC: A Hacklab in Quito, Ecuador
Diferencial CAC is a space for art and digital culture projects, a hackerspace, a coworking space, and a transmitter of all kinds of collaborative and technological ideas located at the Contemporary Art Center in Quito. A video tour and interviews with the founder.
Story-Making Machines: Meograph
Rising Voices republishes an interview conducted by, who spoke with Misha Leybovich, the founder and CEO of Meograph - "Four-dimensional storytelling".
Taking Back the Tech: Using Wikipedia to Counter Violence Against Women
The first Hack4Change meetup in India included a Wikipedia edit-a-thon, expanding articles on violence against women, and collaborating on data-driven digital media projects related to women’s rights., Spain's Wildly Successful DIY Wireless Network
At any given moment in Spain, there are thousands of people surfing the Internet. But more and more Spaniards are opting for a kind of parallel Internet, one that avoids the high costs of commercial Internet Service Providers and bridges the digital divide.
Peru: Collective Collaboration to Generate Public Safety Data
The goal of Amasuwa is to use crime data to create maps of unsafe areas in Peru and to alert the public to crime-heavy places.
Mapping for Niger Profile: Abdou Salam
Meet geography student Abdou Salam, one of the participants in the Mapping for Niger project. With the project, he's gone back to his hometown to map the major coordinates of the area and put them online with Open Street Map.
Mapping for Niger Profiles: Fatiman Alher
Meet one of the participants in the Mapping for Niger project, Fatiman, who has developed practical digital skills and applies these to her geography studies. The digital cartography, she says, helps her to learn about visualising information.
Ecuador: Matavilela, a Literary Alternative to “Killing Time”
The digital literary magazine Matavilela specializes in essays, but also has a special interviews section called #MataPreguntas (KillerQuestions). Daniel Lucas, Matavilela's webmaster, participated in Conectándonos Ecuador.
Digital Revolution in Reverse: Syria’s Media Diversifies Offline
Though digital media was key in the uprisings of the Arab Spring, today, analog media has made a comeback. Under an Internet blackout, citizen media activists are working to spread information both abroad and inside the country, through a combination of digital and traditional methods.
Ecuador: Radialistas Launches Tutorials for Free Radio Software
Radialistas has recently launched a set of online tutorials about a variety of topics to help people use radio and open software to spread information about their communities. As part of our Conectándonos series, community manager Clara Robayo talks about the project.