Stories about Feature from February, 2019
Where community networks may not go: E-commerce claims to bridge the rural-urban gap in China
China’s governance model forbids significant options for community networks outside the purview of the state. Thus state telecoms operators and state-supported e‑commerce companies have co-opted (or fenced off) niches that might otherwise be filled by community networks.
DigiGlot Newsletter: App links refugees with volunteer translators
The DigiGlot Newsletter is a bi-weekly collaborative newsletter that reports on how indigenous, minority, and endangered language communities are adopting and adapting technology to change the internet landscape.
Meet Kimeltuwe, the hosts of @ActLenguas Twitter account for February 11-17, 2019
Learn more about Kimeltuwe, the team that is managing the @ActLenguas Twitter account during February 11-17, 2019 in a new social media campaign focusing on linguistic diversity online.
Welcome back, Rising Voices’ newsletter about digital inclusion and online participation
Rising Voices is pleased to relaunch our biweekly newsletter about all aspects of digital inclusion including access and adoption of digital tools, as well as different ways for communities to fully participate online.
Building resilience with community technology across the United States
Some community networks in the US have achieved a sustainable operating scale and model, and have provided a critical long-time service for their communities.
Presenting the Whose Knowledge? full resource: Our Stories Our Knowledges
The full resource "Our Stories Our Knowledges" brings together the 4 parts previously published. It aims at guiding you in sharing your knowledge and building more powerful networks of solidarity.