Stories about Interview from August, 2011
Languages: Jean Came Poulard on Haitian Creole
The Indigenous Tweets project recently interviewed Jean Came Poulard, an active Haitian Twitterer and software developer working with Logipam, helping to develop and promote open source software and resources for Haitian Creole on the web.
Featured Blogger: Oumar Dembélé
Meet Oumar Dembélé, a primary schoolteacher in Cinzana-Gare, one of Ségou Region villages. Oumar is also one of the participants in the Rising Voices grantee project Ségou Villages Connection. In this email interview, Oumar shares the state of technology in Ségou, the needs to improve this situation, and his aspirations for the future.
Featured Blogger: Yaya Coulibaly
Yaya Coulibaly is an agronomist in Cinzana-Gare, a village located in the Ségou region. He is also a participant in the Rising Voices grantee project Ségou Villages Connection, where he has taken part in various citizen media trainings conducted, as a way to tell some of the stories of these rural communities despite many difficulties in regards to internet connectivity.
Argentina: The Cultural Shed of Piedrabuena Neighborhood
What was once a warehouse for the Colón Theater in Buenos Aires has now become the Piedrabuenarte Cultural Shed, which brings together the neighborhood of Piedrabuena to take part in a wide range of cultural activities. Members of the community have been documenting daily life with citizen media, and there are plans to work with the young people to contribute to their YouTube channel.
Argentina: La Flecha Engaging Youth Through Citizen Media
La Flecha is an organization based in Buenos Aires, Argentina that engages youth in the public schools of the city teaching them how to create citizen media to begin and sustain conversations about issues that affect their daily lives in their communities.