Scholarships for National Bloggers Conference

For the 2nd year, Voces Bolivianas is offering travel scholarships to blogges from underrepresented groups to attend the annual bloggers conference. This year, the event will take place in the cities of El Alto and La Paz on August 29-30. Last year, one of the scholarship winners was Cristina Quisbert, who had just started out with her blog. This year, Voces Bolivianas hopes to award at least 4 scholarships.

From the Voces Bolivianas in English site:

Voces Bolivianas is an organization that seeks to create spaces where Bolivian voices from underrepresented groups or regions can be heard. Using Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs), such as blogs, digital photography, video and audio, Voces Bolivianas continuall looks for ways to promote this mission.

Through the use of workshops, Voces Bolivianas teaches the use of participatory and citizen’s media to underrepresented groups. In order to support and promote greater representation from other regions, cities and other sectors of societies, Voces Bolivainas is offering travel scholarships for bloggers from these groups to attend the national bloggers conference on August 29-30.

Travel Grants

In the spirt of supporting persons from these underrepresented groups, so that there is constant participation and dialogue, Voces Bolivianas will offer travel grants to bloggers or others who are using these participatory media tools (photos, videos, audio) in Bolivia so that they can attend and participate in Bloguivianos 2008 in the city of El Alto and La Paz on August 29 and 30.

The number and amount of each scholarship will depend on the amount of requests received and amount requested.

In order to be considered:

Write in your blog an entry responding to the following question (300-400 words)

How can blogs help create bridges between regions, social classes, ethnicities or cultures in Bolivia? Do you have an example from your personal experience?

Once you have completed the essay, please send the link to: becas (at) vocesbolivianas (dot) org with the following information:

1. City where you will be traveling from/where you live
2. Full name / e-mail / telephone / cell phone
3. Blog address or of the site where you use citizen’s media (videos, photos, podcasts, etc.)
4. How much funds will you need? (please only ask for the amount that you really need so that more people can receive assistance – we cannot cover plane tickets).
5. Deadline: August 10 at 17:00

Scholarship winners must be able to commit to attending both days of the gathering (August 29 and 30).

We will contact winners by August 15 via email and we will announce winners on the websites: and

The scholarship will be reimbursed upon presentation of a receipt of the transport or housing company. The scholarship can also be used for accommodations.

For more information, please write to Eduardo [at] vocesbolivianas [dot] org.

Voces Bolivianas Begins in Trinidad

Many Bolivians, when asked whether they have traveled throughout Bolivia, they often answer, “Everywhere, but Pando and Beni.” These two departments are situated in the Bolivian Amazon region and rarely make the headline of the national press, except when they experience devastating natural disasters. Very few bloggers come from these regions and thanks to the efforts on of the few local bloggers, Ericka Pinto, all of that might change providing knowledge about these participatory tools so that residents of Trinidad in the department of Beni can begin to write about their communities.

On Saturday, July 5, Ericka held a workshop with 19 participants, who learned the basics of blogs and created their own. Thanks to a partnership with a local university, Univalle, which provided their computer lab free of charge, the latest Voces Bolivianas took place in our 8th city across the country. This is only the beginning of this expansion, as Ericka indicated that support to these new bloggers will continue.

We are very pleased to welcome Ericka and salute her commitment to help provide these tools to the Voices in Trinidad.

Picture from the workshop taken by Ericka Pinto. See the rest of the photos on her blog.


More information to come.