Date: December 24, 2007
Time: 6:00 – 8:00pm
Venue: Bow Bazaar Highschool
Session Five: The People in your Para
Share the Home Assignment from Previous Session
In a circle, read aloud the stories/articles each journalist wrote for their chosen landmarks. Share and discuss. If the assignment wasn’t completed, ask why? And what can change for next time in order to make sure all assignments are completed.
Reminder to Journalists: Remind Journalists that they have to complete assignment in order for us to progress as a group on our neighborhood narratives. As journalists, there are numerous stories occurring every day – and we need to keep up in terms of deadlines.
Pass out the Para Badges to each journalist.
Today’s Assignment: The People of your Para
Facilitator’s Introduction: In our para we see many types of people. Just like in many films, there are many types of different characters. There are villains, heroes, enemies, lovers, etc. Similarly, in our para there are different people who are embody different roles/characters.
Ask the group: Can you think of different people in your para? Brainstorm with the group and make a note of the names/types of people who come up.
Who is the most powerful person in your para?
Who is the weakest person in your para?
Who is the most successful person in your para?
Who is the most oppressed in your para?
Who is the happiest person in your para?
Who is the scariest person in your para?
Who is the most trustworthy person in your para?
- Divide the participants into a total of 3 groups. Each group chooses a character and discusses what questions they would ask/what are the problems they anticipate while interviewing this character in person.
- Now two volunteers come up from each group and act out the interview process. One of them can act as the character while the other may act as the interviewer. Each group gets feedback from the rest of the participants and the facilitators. This dummy interview prepares them for facing these different people in the real world.
- One of them can act as the character while the other may act as the interviewer. This dummy interview prepares them for facing these different people in the real world.
Take Home Journalist Assignment: Personality Profiles
Divide the participants into pairs. Assign them one neighborhood personality (which emerged from the discussion) to interview. Ask them to include photos in their article.
Check Out
How was this session like? Good/bad/okay okay?
How do you feel about participating in the coming sessions? 1 word