February 15, 2013

Proposals from February 15, 2013

Kenya: The Kenyan Slum She

  February 15, 2013

Many people view laziness as a contributing factor to poverty situation among slum people who are mostly women. Being a slum woman, I know these women work very hard but earn very little. This project will collect and share the struggles of these women, how hard they work not just for their welfare but brighter future of their children. It seeks to mobilize support for community led initiates which are more sustainable with tangible impact.

Uganda: Enviromental Protection Promotion

  February 15, 2013

The Enviromenatl Protection Promotion project is a project intented to sesetise the local community of kamuli district about the advancages of a safe and clean environment through the youth. Kamuli district being a rural district with 80 % of the population are farmers who distirt tyhe environment by defforestration, need to be senseticsed about the advandages of environmental prorection.

Kenya: Voice for Conservation

  February 15, 2013

lake Victoria region is a hub of so many activities:trading, fishing, and conservation with C.B.O and NGO around the region the project will involved the local community and environmentalist on the region for the economical sustainable conservation of valedictorian using social media

Tanzania: Young Green Bloggers

  February 15, 2013

Young Green Bloggers is the project designed to train youth members from Tanzania Youth Environmental Network (TAYEN) to use online and social media communication channels including facebook, twitter and YouTube. The project will train 20 youth from secondary schools and Universities on how to create and use social media to educate and increase awareness on climate change problem and environmental conservation to other youth in Tanzania.

Sierra Leone: Enhancing Youth Inclusion and Participation in Local Governance

  February 15, 2013

The proposed project titled “Enhancing Youth Participation in Local Governance in Kenema District” aimed at promoting participatory democracy at local level with the key objective of increasing youth inclusion in decision making structures in ten communities in the Nongowa chiefdom, Kenema district within a period of nine months. In Sierra Leone, Kenema district to be specific, youths belong to one of the most vulnerable groups in terms of socio

Uganda: Raising Awareness about Gender-Based Violence Against Schoolgirls

  February 15, 2013

The purpose of the project is to raise awareness about Violence against school girls by use of modern media technology.The project hopes to use mobile phones ,digital video and photography to raise awareness about violence against school girls;how it affects their education and health and mobilize conferences to counteract it.

India: Women Labourers Realities (WLR)

  February 15, 2013

Rising voice is a rare Initiative that recognizes the growing participation gap in digital media and journalism. It’s goal to bring new voices from new communities and languages to the ‘Conversational web’ aligns with women laboureres’ fundamental objectives are: to empower women laboureres socio – economically underprivileged women laboureres living In Matharai, Usilampatti villages as Dinamalar Journalists who will write and disseminate.

Ukraine: Strengthening Civic Activity in Crimean Local Communities

  February 15, 2013

The project is directed to provide wide awareness rising and public communication activities using social networks in local communities of national minorities, it aims at helping civil society to become an effective force for political participation and defense of human rights, the main objective of the project – is development of national minorities communities by help of active citizens. The citizen journalism will be an instrument

Cambodia: We are Cambodian Artists Forever

  February 15, 2013

The project will seek to train 2 visual art teachers and 6 students in the use of digital photo to promote the artist’s young generation visibility. The professional photographer will train in photography’s shooting and editing 2 teachers which will be trainer in the new Apply Art School opening next year. Together, they will organize a photography training workshop for 6 visual art students and organize a traveling exhibition.