February 25, 2013

Proposals from February 25, 2013

Peru: Meet My World Shorts

  February 25, 2013

Quechua children will be trained in script-writing, storyboarding, blogging, directing and presenting in order to deliver a series of short films on customs of Andean Culture. The project brief is...

Poland: Young-in-Hearts News

  February 25, 2013

We will equip a special age-group with the knowledge and abilities to use the new media as the tool to share information and experiences with the peers and to be...

Uganda: Created Spaces for Gender Budgeting

  February 25, 2013

Gender inequality and imbalance are serious human rights challenges that are exacerbated by lack of gender budgeting in Uganda. This project will seek to address gender budgeting needs through ICT...

Nigeria: Participatory Community Media Voices

  February 25, 2013

The project seeks to train and support (Video Editing) community people audio and video resources to create advocacy videos and ways to share produced videos via the internet space using...