Proposals from March 5, 2013
Peru: Expressions of Indigenous Contemporary Art Network
KapaqLab is a Peruvian collective that is impulsing a project called Native Peoples’ House. Through its website, which will be a digital space for meeting and exhibition of “expressions of...
Bolivia: Exteme Tarija
A project that shows the need to form active communities that can promote its heritage, and based on the participation of the community members in the town of Tarija. Tourism...
Peru: Promoting Communication Rights of Indigenous Peoples
Develop the capacities of indigenous communicators to produce eight 10-minute podcasts, in four native languages, on communication rights of indigenous peoples. The training will also enable them disseminate those materials...
Bolivia: Revaluation of the Yuracaré Language
The language of the Yurakaré culture is a language that has survived to this day. However, contact with the Castilian language has been an influence on the speakers, the language,...
Guatemala: Pueblo CLIC
Pueblo CLIC is a nonprofit website, which was created with the purpose of projecting the art, culture and natural beauty of San Lucas Toliman, located around Lake Atitlan. The main...
Argentina: Los Chicos Lo Cuentan Corto
We propose an audiovisual production workshop for children. We will use various techniques and communication tools to provide participants the opportunity to express their ideas, concerns, fears and feelings. It...
El Salvador: Yankwit Tunal (New Sun)
Train young people in the use of ICT in order to promote and make visible the náhuat language and culture. Through training workshops in the use alternative media, young people...
Bolivia: Digitizing the Besiro Language
The Besiro language is endangered and that is why we want to digitize the language through audio, photography, video to create records, data and supporting material for teaching in the...
Bolivia: Web 2.0 for Women's Rights
The city of El Alto is characterized for its maintenance of a organizational syndicalist structure dominated mostly by men, and few women have managed to take leadership roles in these...
Bolivia: Cyber Empowerment of Aymara Youth and Teachers
Jaqi Aru is a group of young Aymara internet users, impacted by Global Voices since 2009. We have been experiencing challenging activities regarding the use of our language and citizen...