March, 2013

Proposals from March, 2013

Finalist – Zimbabwe: Voices from the Deep End

  March 29, 2013

This project seeks to use new media to raise awareness about the San Community in Zimbabwe. The San are a group of people are on the verge of extinction. They are being faced with serious adaptation problems, living in poverty and their language is almost dying. The project seeks to create platforms where the San can be given platform to express their issues and also participate in democratic processes in Zimbabwe. The San will be trained to use new media to advocate for their rights and raise awareness about their situation.

Finalist – Mauritania: Popular Memory (MemoRIM)

  March 29, 2013

MemoRim is about regrouping, documenting and making electronically available the culture, traditions, languages, life style… of old Mauritanian society, By contacting and working with local communities in 4 corners of Mauritania where these cultures and practices are still found and taking from them all material or spiritual related things in form of Pictures audios and videos.Regrouping as much as possible of this culture .When the pages of MemoRIM launch and the content becomes available organized and deeply reviewed, we have a database or a general reference and memory for this society.

Finalist – Mexico: Preserving and Promoting the Mayan Language

  March 29, 2013

To preserve, promote, and conserve the Maya Yucateca language among adults, children and young people, as it is the latter who have lost interest in communicating and expressing themselves in their mother tongue. Social networks, cellular phones, urban planning of the rural sector are factors that contribute to the loss of identity. Information technology and communication might be considered threats, but for us, they are opportunities to spread the use of the language. Community radio and Facebook are communication tools for youth recognition of their language.

Finalist – Uganda: Female Documentary Film Training on Women Advocacy

  March 29, 2013

“One out of three women will experience Violence in her life time”! Women around the world are subjected to violence in many forms that has reduced opportunities for women to compete favorably at all levels. These forms of violence include human trafficking, sexual violence and harmful traditional practices like Female Genital Mutilation (FGM). The more violence against women continues, the more their rights are restricted. The project is meant to enlighten and awaken this group to acquire skills on how to document women’s issues and support women rights activism in our society.

Finalist: The Cambodian Grassroots Social Media Project

  March 29, 2013

The proposal is to develop a social media training program for community-based organizations and grassroots activists working on human rights in Cambodia, with the long-term goal of increasing the sharing of human rights information domestically and internationally. The project will consist of 1) the development of a social media toolkit designed to impart the know-how and tools to create successful and compelling citizen media; and 2) 4 pilot trainings for a total of 40 trainees, who will be given the toolkit in soft-copies on USB sticks to facilitate access to the materials contained within.

Finalist – Cameroon: We Know, Let the World Know Too

  March 29, 2013

This idea plans to mobilize, train and equip 10 youths with skills and materials for grass root social media utilization for blogging in Bangem sub division of Cameroon. It focuses on engaging youths to report on hidden electoral malpractices and cultural practices which hinder the empowerment of women and youths. Trained youths will use facebook/twitter reporting and documentaries for global sharing and call for actions. Trainees will move into the hinterlands of the Bangem collect and report to the world cultural shocks, rights abuses,governance concerns and needs for the poor.

Finalist – Afghanistan: Kabul Beat — Far Away from War

  March 29, 2013

Kabul Beat is an online magazine in two national languages of Afghanistan Dari & Pashto & English, that aims to share stories from different and undermined provinces of Afghanistan. Kabul Beat will teach 7-10 aspiring bloggers and writers from different provinces of Afghanistan who wish to write but due to financial problems and lack of access to internet can't present their writings to worldwide audience. Kabul Beat will have monthly issues and each issue will contain will have 7 blogs. The blogs will be in Dari and Pashto languages and the complete issue will be translated into English.

Peru: Expressions of Indigenous Contemporary Art Network

  March 5, 2013

KapaqLab is a Peruvian collective that is impulsing a project called Native Peoples’ House. Through its website, which will be a digital space for meeting and exhibition of “expressions of Indigenous contemporary art” (*) that is created in Peru and elsewhere-and information about products (interviews, features, news, reflections, etc..) will be disseminated hat illustrate the present work and work in development of each artist and / or group o

Bolivia: Exteme Tarija

  March 5, 2013

A project that shows the need to form active communities that can promote its heritage, and based on the participation of the community members in the town of Tarija. Tourism development affects the promotion of essential values of our cultural heritage, as well as promoting the community participation in cyberspace and the digital world.

Peru: Promoting Communication Rights of Indigenous Peoples

  March 5, 2013

Develop the capacities of indigenous communicators to produce eight 10-minute podcasts, in four native languages​​, on communication rights of indigenous peoples. The training will also enable them disseminate those materials through social networks and a platform dedicated to visualize this right. There will be programs in Aymara, Quechua, Shipibo and Ashaninka.