We propose an audiovisual production workshop for children. We will use various techniques and communication tools to provide participants the opportunity to express their ideas, concerns, fears and feelings. It is expected that in the exchange with their peers in a favorable institutional context, children can be the protagonists of the stories they want to tell to enhance both their perspectives and their voices.
Topical focus:
What locality or neighborhood will your project focus on?
La Boca, Buenos Aires
Describe the specific community with whom you will be working.
We will work with children between 9 -12 years-old in the neighborhood of La Boca, located in the south of Buenos Aires. We consider it essential to build, with this age group relegated in their ability to communicate, spaces promoting speech and expression. The community in which we will work consistently experiences violations of their rights where they have difficulty finding representation and spaces where they can raise their voices.
What kinds of news, stories and other content will be created?
The theme of each of the four short films will be free and agreed upon by the children. We believe that from the stories more realistic to the most fantasy-like, they are expressing their reality. This will enhance their connection with the neighborhood and the community, as well as by using social networks in this relationship through the spreading of creativity. The short films will be presented in open events, as well as social networks.
What technologies and digital tools do you plan to use in the trainings?
Other tools
Netbooks that they received at schools in order to promote awareness of this tool.
Describe the connections that you or your organization have already established that will contribute to the success of the project.
Torquato Tasso House works with neighborhood schools and has links with the Museum of Fine Arts of Argentine Artists “Quinquela” and the Casa Rafael Foundation, the neighborhood of La Boca. The Observatory of the Youth Film Producers Association is also a partner organization that could assist in the dissemination of the material, as well as the Casa INJU in Uruguay.
How many participants do you think will be involved in your project?
A maximum of 15 children per cycle may take part in the project, which will last approximately 8 meetings. 4 cycles will be developed during the year. Once a cycle is completed, another round of children will join the workshop, with the aim that all the children in the institution, and the neighborhood, can be part of one project. We will reach a maximum of 60 children with these workshops.
Besides the microgrant funding, what other resources and support are you seeking for your project to ensure its success?
We consider the exchange with other students of similar workshops to be very important, especially with children from other countries as it allows children to learn about other realities and find peers in other places. We believe that Rising Voices can foster this exchange, especially in the digital world.
Contact name
MarĂa Carmelita Lapadula
Casa Torquato Tasso
1 comment
Thank you very much. Wont it take long selecting suitable themes if each child of the 15 chose to give a theme? What if you designed the themes your self?
Tom Maani,
Wakiso District-Uganda