I'd like to record (photo, video and sound) small groups of people that live near to the city (El Alto – An Andean City). They are cualified because they (older than sixty) live up to now, thanks to their native music. In other words, my ancestors keep our native culture thanks to the native music and they can teach us.
I hope to accomplish these native groups share (through interactive communication) their reasons, characteristics, symbology.
Topical focus:
What locality or neighborhood will your project focus on?
El Alto
Describe the specific community with whom you will be working.
They're not represented neither online nor outline. There are some policies that sponsor the cultural aspects but the native music and their stories are really forgotten.
I wish to work with them because I know that some years more they will be just a good memory for me but not for next generations, and if we show them it is possible they are part of the history, our history.
What kinds of news, stories and other content will be created?
Short-videos, photos, audio; description of the music's content; trilingual interaction (chat section), news related to new researches in these groups. The innovation is to create an audio section with some recordings about native stories in Aymara, English ans Spanish (storytelling).
I think this action will motivate to explore and understand (to improve the welfare state) our own native cultures through media.
What technologies and digital tools do you plan to use in the trainings?
Describe the connections that you or your organization have already established that will contribute to the success of the project.
The only contribution done was, to rescue the native stories, fables, miths, legends, histories by means of 11-12-13 aged students. They told us some of these recountings through pictures they created.
I am a person that contributes to the music playing some native instruments and visiting these groups.
How many participants do you think will be involved in your project?
Whole groups will participate (7 groups of 12 aproximately) so the participants don't need to be trained. They act when there are anniversaries, we have to take advantage of this situation.
I think that the project could be sustained if this interactive site is in Governmental Web Pages.
We would need two to three people for technical support like; to refresh, upload, create news, visit those groups and interact with people.
Besides the microgrant funding, what other resources and support are you seeking for your project to ensure its success?
Technical support, Internet, travel allowances, rent of places temporally for recording. Some other facilities.
Contact name
Carlos Sebastian Mamani Cuenca
It seems to be very interesting… the native music as a source of cultural knowledge. I think it is the best way for rescue cultural and ancestral knowledges. Congratulations!!!
Carlos is very interesting your project. I think that is significant caring culture of our ancestors.
Everyone should rescue the best of each culture and music is definitely a factor that helps in the development of children.
Carry out your project soon!!
Hey Carlos!!!
Your project is appealing. I support you and I hope that the project becomes a reality. I identify with the cultural and ancestral theme.