It is a proposal where children and grandparents of our locality tell us, remember us and show us as they hope to live in this town where they weave so many stories, where the voices of old men and children marry themselves to reflect his point of view be more than enough that is to live in this town and its contribution to the local development, through the radio.And the digital photo that the tool can be for putting together the historic line
Topical focus:
What locality or neighborhood will your project focus on?
la calera
Describe the specific community with whom you will be working.
Children of 6 to 13 years: The idea to work with this population is to begin of premature way to investigate on these children's qualifications. In addition you are to consolidate children's bus that they get worried for The construction of the historic memory using new tools on line like means to publish it, to motivate his creativity and to put his look to the radio like close, own means, and magician to be able to express his points of view.
What kinds of news, stories and other content will be created?
You program documentary type that places, stories, landscapes, experiences recreate . Spaces focalized, where grandparents guide us on the traditional remedies, the kitchen, where they rescue occupations that were done before, that show us as one lived in the country and where even they tell someone to know needs and his population's fallacies, where proposals may happen of how they would be able to improve somehow his modus vivendi.
What technologies and digital tools do you plan to use in the trainings?
Describe the connections that you or your organization have already established that will contribute to the success of the project.
The older Adult's group the snow of the years The Limestone Quarry. We can establish an alliance with them that you allow us to work this type of workshops with them and casually contribute the documentation of our history in the local memoirs.
Public schools: These, they offer children of farm zones and of cost-reducing low condition basic education. The ones that we want to incorporate to the project are this children's group. Not only to offe
How many participants do you think will be involved in your project?
In order that the methodology of the workshops, the use of the tools, the production and institution of the materials may drive of more effective way, the adults as from the 60 elderly years want to select 30 people between children of the 5 to the 12 and.
We will propose maintaining his participation, consolidating an infantile and older- adult bus of local communication.
Besides the microgrant funding, what other resources and support are you seeking for your project to ensure its success?
Alliance with 7 alternative broadcasting stations of the region, for the diffusion of the sonorous material that be generated in this project right now has once the diffusion was guaranteed and emission of the same.
Pod's creation cast in the institutional Web of The Limestone Quarry FM Radio.
Gallery on line, in order to publish photos and to create the phot our territory's interactive museum. Fact for the children and grandparents.
Contact name
Yazmin Sánchez P
Asociacion radiodifusora Amigos de La Calera