Multimedia material of Bolivia within Wikimedia Commons are few. There are no images, audios or videos of historical places or towns and cities. In Bolivia, there are several groups of people interested in multimedia who share their work through social media, but these photos are not shared under a free license. The most frequent reason is that they do not know how to use these type of licenses. The idea is to contact as many of these groups throughout Bolivia and conduct training workshops and awareness to share some of their materials in Wikimedia Commons.
Topical focus:
What locality or neighborhood will your project focus on?
Different cities around the country
Describe the specific community with whom you will be working.
We will work with various amateur and professionals in several cities in Bolivia, working with photography, video and audio which are organized in groups. As part of the work these groups are asked to invite youth from poor neighbourhoods and rural areas suburbs of each city in the photography sessions for training.
For the training phase, 8 facilitators will be identified in different cities who want to deepen their knowledge in the use of Wikipedia and Wikimedia Commons and then, each of them will prepare two training events in their cities. In the first training, amateur and professional photographers will be invited; in the second training young people from poor neighborhoods and rural areas will participate and the facilitators will be participants of the first one.
What kinds of news, stories and other content will be created?
Will create or use material already has several sites across the country and the new ones that will be created by young people from poor neighborhoods and rural areas.
The resulting material first training material will be post in Wikimedia Commons, like a free licencia material, from the amateur and profesional photographers. These group of people already use web tools to prometo their material.
The resulting material of the second training will be of the young people and they can show their neighborhoods. These group of people had a low level of internet use.
What technologies and digital tools do you plan to use in the trainings?
Describe the connections that you or your organization have already established that will contribute to the success of the project.
We are part of some of the groups of photos and also we will work with the group of people who are preparing Wikimedia Bolivia.
We also have previous experience working with indigenous young people who live in rural areas in La Paz, Oruro, Chuquisaca, Tarija, Cochabamba and Santa Cruz.
Alredy partnership
Wikimedia Bolivia
Bolivia Cultura Libre
Comunidad de software libre Bolivia
Future partnerships
La Paz en fotografía
Sin motivo fotografía
Fotobamba Bolivia
How many participants do you think will be involved in your project?
According to an initial survey and depth to be achieved about 500 multimedia producers, they are connected mostly by facebook. We search their community leaders to promote and invite to the trainings.
Young people from poor places and rural areas around the country are grouped in social organizations, we try to contact with these organizations and invite the young people, we hope to reach around 500 of them in the second training.
We create and publish all the training material in Wikimedia Bolivia web pages for all the people want to learn about but can't assist on presencial trainnings
Describe which technologies, tools, and media you will focus on when training participants.
We will train them in Wikimedia Commons use and free license like Creative Commons. We promote the use of free software and free license material, many years ago.
The amateur and profesional photgraphers will teach how to make profesional quality photos, and how to use a simple tools like a cellular phones to made these.
Describe the facilities where you will hold the workshops.
The project will run three trainings:
– First training, to train 8 facilitators of diferent cities in one place, we plan a computer room with 9 computers, internet connection up to 1024 kbkps and a datashow
- Second training, for the amateur and profesional photographers. A saloon with wifi connection, sound system, internet connection up to 1024 kbkps and data show. We hope they brings theirs laptops. We will organize 9 events of these training in 9 cities of Bolivia.
- Third training, for young people has two steps, the first in the neighbourhoods or around the cities, why expect use cameras and cellphones of our participants
The second step will be in a room with wifi connection, 10 computers, datashow and internet connection up to 1024 kbps. We will organize 9 events in Bolivia
What is your current relationship with the community with whom you plan to work? What makes you the most appropriate individual or organization to implement this project?
We work to increase the concience of use free licence material in Bolivia, we participate and promote these kind of events and try to connect with other people or communities to promote and teach about these.
In Bolivia, we work in the Internet community many years ago and we made a lot of connections with different kinds of innitiatives, they will help to promote these project and make relevant in the digital agenda in the country.
We will plan to make training material for permanent use in the Wikimedia Bolivia's community, for future trainings.
What specific challenges do you expect to face when planning and implementing your project?
Find the Wikimedia Commons trainers will be the most dificult task. We hope to reach people who commit to improve and active participe of Wikimedia and Free Software communities in Bolivia.
Another problem will be find the places for the second and third training, we will try to connect with a cultural organizations to find these
How will you measure and evaluate the project’s impact, specifically: your primary participants, the wider regional community, or the global digital community?
The increase of digital material from Bolivia in Wikimedia Commons will be our first success, and the second will be the use of these material in newspapers, blogs or other digital media spaces.
Another measure wil be these groups of photographers difund their material with a free licence.
If your project were to be selected as a Rising Voices grantee, what would be the general timeline of project activities in 2013?
Fase 1 (plan and alliances) 1 month
General plan of the project, and define the master lines.
Write and diffund the first training events, we will select 8 participants around the country
Fase 2 (Training 1) 2 week
Prepare the two training days for the winners, and plan their trips.
After training, we will work to make the material for the second training
Fase 3 (Connect amateur and profesional photographers) 1 month
Contact and invite these communities for the second training.
One day training about publish multimedia material in Wikimedia Commons, we plan to do these around the country in nine cities.
Fase 4 (Connect young people)
Contact and invite young communities for the third training in two days. The first day we learn how to make great photos and tools. The second day how we can publish them in internet, we plan to do these training around the country in nine cities.
Fase 5 ()
Detail a specific budget of up to $4,000 USD for operating costs.
First training (8 participants of different cities) in two days – 300 $us
Second Training (9 events in difirent cities) in one day – 900 $us
Third Training (9 events in diferent cities) in two days – 1200 $us
General coordination (five months) – 1400 $us
Besides the microgrant funding, what other resources and support are you seeking for your project to ensure its success?
Assistance in the dissemination of material published in Wikimedia Commons, to give relevance to the work done. We need to connect other countries similar projects incresse the participation and give relevance to use free licence multimedia material
Contact name
Esteban Enrique Lima Torricos