· March, 2013

Proposals Brazil from March, 2013

Finalist – Brazil: This Is Our Place Film Festival

  March 30, 2013

We at Pronesis Institute of Audiovisual and Social Change have been training low-income youth to produce socially and environmentally engaged documentaries. These short documentaries (5 in total) will be shown to the community in a local film festival that will also be open to other local films. All of the films talk about social and environmental problems of the second poorest region of the State of São Paulo, Brazil. We hope the festival can be attended by many people, especially youth, and we already have confirmation from the mayor that she will attend.

Brazil: Our Rivers Speak (ORS)

  March 4, 2013

Our Rivers Speak will record/broadcast the living memory and culture of Cabelo Seco, a community that lies between the dying Rivers Tocantins and Itacaiunas, gateway to the Amazon. Coordinated by young Afro-Indigenous artists, our videos will reach local, national-international schools, networks and leaders through digital media to sustain global eco-systems by preserving local cultural diversity threatened by the industrialization of the Amazon.

Brazil: Favela a Mil – Community Exchanges through Video

  March 4, 2013

This project will multiply the effects of two years of work by the MDDF (Movement in Defense of Slum Dwellers’ Rights) to produce a documentary about the history of the movement through interviews with its leaders (to May 2013). This new project will offer video workshops and open-air movie nights showing the workshop videos and the documentary in 10 slum areas, mobilizing youth and presenting their voices alongside those of the older generation.

Brazil: Digital Storytelling from Rio de Janeiro Slum

  March 4, 2013

This project aims to teach video production to ten underprivileged youth, ages 14-20, in a Rio de Janeiro slum to empower and help them overcome the stigma and stereotypes associated with their population, as portrayed by the media. Each participant will produce a short Digital Storytelling about their future goals and life often shaped by violence and drug trafficking.

Brazil: Capoeira Education in Global Media

  March 4, 2013

Our project is to create a video of five minutes or so, about capoeira (Brazilian martial art). Students themselves will make the video using video cameras and photographs being what they are trained to do so and later disseminate the video inserting the same site www.pratiquecologia.org, twitter, facebook and flickr. Since students will also be trained in handling these social networking tools.

Brazil: Click on the Power of Community

  March 4, 2013

Intend to build a community of history through your neighborhood of information and photographic virtual knowledge taking public participation and its residents. Avoiding and bringing to the concept of social inclusion of persons excluded cyber age, due to lack of opportunity.

Brazil: Technology Facilitating Digital Inclusion

  March 3, 2013

The limitations of an individual with deficiencies tend to become learning barriers. Developing strategies to reintegrate people with deficiencies would be a concrete way to neutralize the barriers caused by disabilities and enter that individual in culturally rich environments for learning. Lack of access and understanding with new technology and information e Lack of care from the community in relationship to people with difficulties and setba.

Brazil: Brinquedoteca em Ação

  March 2, 2013

Share realities, interests and experiences into 2 groups of children and adolescents in vulnerable communities and social risk. The idea is to promote dialogue between groups through the media citizen with access to information relevant to the development of public and community. Include them digitally on social networks, in particular the creation of a blog, to exchange knowledge, forming an interest group as they have time and voice towards the

Brazil: Theatre that Sensitizes, Media that Gives Voice

  March 2, 2013

During 05 months will be held 03 theater’s workshops with workshops of photo and video to sensitize about 45 young residents of the neighborhood Cidade Tiradentes, to record and disseminate their reality and post on the blog of the Núcleo Teatral Filhos da Dita (filhosdadita.wordpress.com), public utility information with the young’s poetic and sensitivity and criticality of the theater, contributing to the promotion of youth leadership.

Brazil: The Speech Quilombola – River of Black Drum

  March 2, 2013

This project aims to train and empower 20 young Maroons of the city of New Airão. These young people will be trained in the use of digitial video and use the Internet network to keep the videos on the network. The terinamento will also discuss cultural and social characteristics of this ethnic group, aiming to support the creation of digital videos.