· April, 2013

Proposals Brazil from April, 2013

Finalist – Brazil: Building the Oral History of Brasilândia

  April 2, 2013

Brasilândia, a slum in São Paulo, is known for it's extreme poverty and scarcity of resources. We want to develop an oral history and affective map of the neighborhood. A youth group will use the community's Radio station and invite residents to talk about their lives. This will all be recorded on a blog and podcast and compiled into a digital book and shared with the community.

Finalist – Brazil: Our Rivers Speak (ORS)

  April 2, 2013

Young artist-leaders of Cabelo Seco, an afro-indigenous community that lies between the dying Rivers Tocantins and Itacaiunas, gateway to the Amazon, refused last month to perform on any stage funded by the mining giant VALE to buy ethical credibility. The youth will broadcast their stories & living culture, to explain to other communities, schools and leaders, locally, nationally and internationally, why the preservation & independent production of their own culture is essential to sustaining global eco-systems threatened by the industrialization of this essential and rich Amazonian region.