Proposals Uganda

Uganda: Kitezi Landfill Community Members’ Publicity

  March 1, 2013

The project aims at voicing challenges faced by Kitezi residents which arise from the presence of a sanitary landfill in their vicinity. Selected participants will be trained in video coverage and creating visual stories through photographs, use of internet, radio/TV to create a platform to express their grievances. A documentary will be produced to illustrate experience of community members, stories and narratives of challenges faced.

Uganda: e-mind project

  March 1, 2013

According to 2006 Uganda Demographic Health Survey, 24% of women aged 15-49 reported that their first sexual experience was forced against their will. 54% of these women were 19 years of age or younger when they first experienced sexual violence. The project will utilize mobile phone technology, a web monitoring system to respond to childhood sexual violence and link communities to strengthen and support traditional protection mechanisms.

Uganda: A Day in a Rural Child's Life

  March 1, 2013

The project will use digital video to document and prod cast daily life experiences of rural children on micro-blogs and social network. The purpose of the project is to send out a message on the social, economic and cultural issues affecting rural children and also be able to solicit for innovative ways from around the globe on how to address challenges of early childhood development in rural Manafwa , Uganda.

Uganda: Making Economic Policies Benefit Women and Youth

  March 1, 2013

the project titled “making economic policies benefit women and youths” will train and empower women and youths of agali sub counties lira district, n.uganda to engage, channel, influence, and advocate economic policies makers pay attention to the problems or issues regarding their economic plight; where policies designed should benefits the women and youth; economically and then access to social services through internet communications outlets.

Uganda: Voices of War Affected Youth in Gulu

  March 1, 2013

The project will conduct video-photography training in 3 selected urban poor (UP) communities in Gulu district-Northern Uganda. The Youths trained by citizen media practitioners will document their condition and struggle. Striking photos and videos will be used in online campaigns and exhibits in the communities and supportive institutions. This is to tell the untold stories of the more than one decade of war in Northern Uganda, showing resilience.

Uganda: Using ICT to Monitor Service Delivery

The project will train 30 rural monitors and 10 journalists from the highly mountainous areas of Bundibugyo district which have limited accessibility to government services on how to use the two FM radio stations as a hub to converge information from mobile phone technologies and online social media tools to monitor service delivery and demand accountability. Frontline sms technologies will be installed on FM radio stations and 2 blogs created.

Uganda: Opening Voices of Lugeye Rural Women

  March 1, 2013

The project will provide a unique opportunity for rural women in Lugeye to be trained in journalism and photography to empower them collect data about issues of developmental importance to be documented and be shared with other women in the world. This will open voices of women in Lugeye community to be aired out and their felt needs brought to the information of women in other areas to be advised on how to solve them.

Uganda: Right To Speak Ik

  March 1, 2013

The Right to Speak Ik will mobilize, build capacity and create awareness for a handful of remaining Ik speakers in Uganda’s remotest region of Karamoja to use Digital technologies particularly mobile phones, digital cameras and micro blogs to not only document and preserve important ancestral knowledge and cultural wealth found in the endangered IK language but also encourage the next generation of speakers.

Uganda: Girls Out Loud: Coming to Kampala

  February 28, 2013

We will empower vulnerable and internally displaced girls in Kampala through citizen journalism & photography training. They will explore what it means, to them, to bring their unique culture to the big city. GCN will create a blog and page on our website for girls’ stories to be told through photos and videos. The project will show the world the realities of girls’ lives and help other girls gain confidence to tell their stories with pride.

Uganda: Techology and Human Rights Information Sharing Platform

  February 28, 2013

Youth Partnership Uganda intends to implement a project that will focus on enforcing women rights through encouraging and promoting gender equality specifically among the youth. this project will focus solely on information sharing among women, men and the youth through blogging and video graphing. this will focus on training beneficiaries on how to use blogs and digital cameras to capture information and share it with other people on globe.