We would like to teach youngsters who live with disabilities how to use and edit social media by themselves.They would tell their life, their daily challenges, how they solve their daily problems. We would teach them how to photoblog, videoblog and would buy helmet cams which could be fixed on their wheelchair or on their head after that we teach them how to edit and upload. Those who can’t use the mouse would be helped by volenteer youngsters.
Topical focus:
What locality or neighborhood will your project focus on?
Describe the specific community with whom you will be working.
They are not only helped but can help the society. They find barriers when they want to use the social media which is still not available for them. The physical barriers could fall with the aim of this project. Instead of being disappointed by not able to write long texts on blogs, Facebook and twitter they would use video and micro blogging.They are underrepresented in the social media in Hungary as studies show.
What kinds of news, stories and other content will be created?
We would like youngsters who live with disabilities to blog, twitter, and use youtube-upload and live stream- and use Facebook in a common group, edited by themselves. Their everyday life,views would be on it. The youngsters who can't use their arms would use their helmet cams and youngsters who are not living with disability would help them.The participants would document the learning process during the project on wiki system together.
What technologies and digital tools do you plan to use in the trainings?
Other tools
camera mouse http://www.cameramouse.org/
Describe the connections that you or your organization have already established that will contribute to the success of the project.
One of the main aim of our association is to enhance the social inclusion, to get involve youngsters who live with disabilities to any kind of activities. Our team is very colorful – special need education teachers, physiotherapists, etc, working in team. We have lots of partner organizations. We have a connection with UNESCO Centre for Multimedia and EducEducational Technology in Budapest and the András Pető Institute of Conductive Education too
How many participants do you think will be involved in your project?
8+8+24 + more -later
Eight youngsters who live with disabilities who can use their hands to type, use the cam.
Eight youngsters who live with disabilities who need helmet cam.
24 young student from a secondary school class who help in groups, 3 in a group for those who use helmet cam. We have been working with them for years so we are in connection with them.
We are going to have common programs and common editorial working libr Skype and gdocs
Besides the microgrant funding, what other resources and support are you seeking for your project to ensure its success?
We can see through your organization how other communites improve their participation in social media and may can contact them to make common projects. Later we want to continue the program with more youngsters who live with disability and with more youngsters who dont live with disability in case it works. Firstly Workshops 1-1-1 week and backup service with the NGO and library.
Contact name
Vera Werovszky
Örökmozgó Association