The Children's Voice newspaper will work as a platform where children from different categories will come up and express their opinion, thoughts and express their views, share information and get informed in a constructive and developing way. The newspaper will be stories of children as well as sharing their interests with other children. We are aiming at conscentizing the Law and policy-makers, to understand the views of the children.
Topical focus:
What locality or neighborhood will your project focus on?
Describe the specific community with whom you will be working.
We shall be working with all children in the population of 800,000 in the country. These will be children in and out of school, with disabilities, orphaned and vulnerable children, as well as young people who are not employed but have talents and visions and aspirations to fulfill. The newspaper will also accommodate views from other parts of the communities that are working towards prevention of abuse, protection, influencing child participation
What kinds of news, stories and other content will be created?
It will be children's stories, educational ideas or suggestions, community activities for children and young people. Health corners for the development of a child, on spiritual, psychological, mental and physical needs. It will include a list of children in need of any service, lost children and it will show the statistic on the kids of abuse happening on daily, weekly, or monthly basis. Cultural practices that are acceptable for the development.
What technologies and digital tools do you plan to use in the trainings?
Describe the connections that you or your organization have already established that will contribute to the success of the project.
We are going to work in collaboration with World Vision Lesotho of which we have already signed the MoU, and Media Institution in Southern Africa (MISA). We shall be launching the newspaper on the 26th of this March 2013, and we want to invite all the prominent figures and some influential people that will help to make this dream a success. We started training young journalist on news-writing skills last week and they were 30
How many participants do you think will be involved in your project?
We would like to train another 30 young children who are not occupied, but are out of school with a background of English language writing knowledge. These are children who were trained on their rights, child protection, participation and systems approach to child protection, within the ten districts of the country. They must have experience on the topics related to children's issues and have interest on the development of children.
Besides the microgrant funding, what other resources and support are you seeking for your project to ensure its success?
Yes it would be vital if we could get support for publication of the news paper so that, it can be sustainable in future. It will be a free news paper but the pages will be paid for advertisements so that it could help also in the sustainability of the paper itself. Also if the Raising Voices could put its advert on the paper, it will be a good way of contributing to its development, and or telling other colleges on the existence of the paper
Contact name
Lydia Muso
Lesotho Child Counselling Unit (LCCU)