This project Involves recording and audio-visual collective by young Zapotec. Zapotec of the Sierra Sur region of Oaxaca, Mexico, by capturinge very day images of the community and its description intheir own oral language with translation in to Spanish by using OjoVoz, an application installed on mobile phones and real-time Such publication of content on a website (Spanish-Zapotec).
Topical focus:
What locality or neighborhood will your project focus on?
San Andrés Paxtlan Oaxaca
Describe the specific community with whom you will be working.
The project will create a historical memory of this culture by recording visual language in their daily activities that occur in the community. Additionally, will help new generations visualize your language is not the past that is fully functional with technology.To accomplish this, the project will train the speakers in use of these tools and create a collective network of mobile phones that will feed a community website.
What kinds of news, stories and other content will be created?
The project is for strengthening the Zapotec language use on the Internet. The “diiste” variant is spoken in six municipalities and 66 towns. The project will focus on strengthening capacities of a group of local seed Paxtlán Carrizal. This group formed earlier consists of teachers, youth and children (12) who participated in the translation of free software in Zapotec and Mozilla Firefox. Furthermore, in this town of language transmission from p
What technologies and digital tools do you plan to use in the trainings?
Describe the connections that you or your organization have already established that will contribute to the success of the project.
There is a virtual museum dedicated to the Zapotec language to be used as a platform to publish audio recordings generated. Records fed three museum rooms: Things and objects around us (images of objects, people, plants and animals with their oral description in Zapotec), stories of our people (short stories sites, festivals, community events and interviews) and loss words (words that have been lost by the use of other languages).
How many participants do you think will be involved in your project?
The project has the support and collaboration of the following working groups: Indigenous Without Borders, the National Commission for the Development of Indigenous Peoples, the National Institute of Indigenous Languages Indigenous Fellows Association of the Ford Foundation, the Mozilla group Mexico, researchers at the National Autonomous University of Mexico, the group of Quechua language translation Runasimipi, and in the future is expected to
Besides the microgrant funding, what other resources and support are you seeking for your project to ensure its success?
In a first stage seed seek to strengthen a group of 12people who have previously worked on the translation of free software, this group accompany the process of training and other 5 groups of 5-10 people including youth, teachers and leaders in five localities of the municipality of San Andrés Paxtlán. To ensure the success of retention and participation will be invited interested groups already established, such as, promotion of education groups
Contact name
Rodrigo Pérez Ramírez
Colectivo Indígenas Sin Fronteras
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