· February, 2013

Proposals Digital Video from February, 2013

Uganda: Girls Out Loud: Coming to Kampala

  February 28, 2013

We will empower vulnerable and internally displaced girls in Kampala through citizen journalism & photography training. They will explore what it means, to them, to bring their unique culture to the big city. GCN will create a blog and page on our website for girls’ stories to be told through photos and videos. The project will show the world the realities of girls’ lives and help other girls gain confidence to tell their stories with pride.

Uganda: Techology and Human Rights Information Sharing Platform

  February 28, 2013

Youth Partnership Uganda intends to implement a project that will focus on enforcing women rights through encouraging and promoting gender equality specifically among the youth. this project will focus solely on information sharing among women, men and the youth through blogging and video graphing. this will focus on training beneficiaries on how to use blogs and digital cameras to capture information and share it with other people on globe.

Serbia: Women Activists in Vojvodina become bloggers!

  February 28, 2013

Project aim is to empower 150 women for on/line presentation of selfs and associations they are working for, trough organizing training workshops with experienced local bloggers who will train and mentor participants how to administer blog and become able to contribute to online conversation about women’s right in Vojvodina.

El Salvador: SurfHappy

  February 28, 2013

SurfHappy ElSalvador was created to support the local beach communities of El Salvador by promoting the young surfers and their surfing careers, and the surfing sport in the country, by providing free digital photography and online promotion to the local surfers. Young kid that gets serious in his/her surfing career are less likely to fall into the life of drag gangs and violence, that is a major problem in El Salvador.

Kenya: Rural Community Voices

  February 28, 2013

This project involves equiping 25 community members with journalistic skills. The journalists will use the acquired skills to tell stories in their neighbourhood and serve as a lobby and advocacy for the voiceless. The stories will be published in the existing community blog http://www.laikipiaruralvoices.blogspot.com and shared on the social sites.The project operates under Arid Lands Information network (ALIN) (www.alin.net.com).

Canada: The Voices Project

  February 28, 2013

Building on JHR’s successful model of empowering local voices through training journalists overseas, the project will engage a team of 30 at-risk youth in Toronto to develop journalism skills and produce citizen media on themes of barriers to development and empowerment, through training and a field reporting trip. Stories produced will provide a kind of ‘visual census’ of the issues at-risk youth face, engage stakeholders, and source solutions.

Ethiopia: Sharing Stories to Inspire Girls and Women

  February 28, 2013

This project will support female students in the target locality to end harmful traditional practices. In Ethiopia in general and Dukem locality in particular, access to the internet is insignificant. The girls in the locality will share their experiences in fighting harmful traditional practices through school mini media and local community radios. ICEDA will translate and upload the recorded audios to the national and international literates.

Mexico: Digital Education Nodes

  February 28, 2013

Youth groups from different places and cultures in Mexico are nodes of the Tlalana network www.tlalana.org.mx. They take action based on collective learning and experience exchange to solve local issues such as environmental problems, unemployment and violence. We want to train such nodes in audio editing, blogs and social networks to achieve greater visibility and facilitate their documenting and sharing capabilities between projects.

Mexico: Audio-visual Record of the Zapotec Language

  February 28, 2013

This project Involves recording and audio-visual collective by young Zapotec. Zapotec of the Sierra Sur region of Oaxaca, Mexico, by capturinge very day images of the community and its description intheir own oral language with translation in to Spanish by using OjoVoz, an application installed on mobile phones and real-time Such publication of content on a website (Spanish-Zapotec).

Bosnia and Herzegovina: Youth Voices Rising

  February 28, 2013

Establishing a network of empowered active youth engaged in giving voice to the ”voiceless’ stories within their ethnically divided communities. The project will provide trainings on multimedia strategies with the aim to empower youth to become critical thinkers, art/media producers and citizens journalists. Skills such as storyboarding, online research, filming and editing will be used to create original stories, artwork and short movies.