· March, 2013

Proposals Governance & Transparency from March, 2013

Guatemala: Getting to know Guatemalan's Congressmen

  March 3, 2013

Guatemalan Congress is highly criticised but also highly unknown by the majority of the population (many don't speak spanish). Our project will provide the common citizen access to their representatives by letting them interact and get to know their congressmen using workshops and providing free and accessible information. We want to empower local citizens to demand their needs to their representatives and more important, question the status quo.

Nigeria: Know your Budget

  March 2, 2013

Budget is the most important economic instrument of any Nation. It translates policies, political commitments and the Nations socio-economic priorities into expenditure and taxation. Sadly, in Nigeria, in spite of the efforts of CSOs intervention efforts, most States budget are still shrouded with secrecy, lack of transparency and weak budget systems.

Zimbabwe: Teen Integrity Bloggers

  March 1, 2013

The Teen Integrity Bloggers seeks to promote the exchange of ideas on values of transparency, accountability and integrity among teenagers using the WhatsApp Messenger and facebook through training and digital dialogue sessions. Teenagers in Youth for Transparency and Integrity clubs will be trained to encode corruption experiences and response mechanisms so as to nurture a culture of honesty and observance of cultural value system by teenagers.

Uganda: Using ICT to Monitor Service Delivery

  March 1, 2013

The project will train 30 rural monitors and 10 journalists from the highly mountainous areas of Bundibugyo district which have limited accessibility to government services on how to use the two FM radio stations as a hub to converge information from mobile phone technologies and online social media tools to monitor service delivery and demand accountability. Frontline sms technologies will be installed on FM radio stations and 2 blogs created.

Tanzania: Promoting Leadership Accountability to Youth

  March 1, 2013

This project focuses on using online media to promote leadership accountability to youth and children's development. The blog for interaction will be created with photos of local leaders (ward councilors, Members of Parliament, City Director and Regional Commissioner) on which youth and children can ask or inform them on issues regarding to their development.