· February, 2013

Proposals Migration & Immigration from February, 2013

Italy: REC! Refugees Echoes in the City

  February 27, 2013

The project wants to give to refugees living in Italy the possibility to inform about their experiences, desires and perceptions about the hosting cities. Refugees will be trained about the general techniques of audio and photograph documentary and will produce a set of podcasts and pictures to tell about their previous life and the life they are living now highlighting the violation of rights they suffered in their country as well as in Italy.

Morocco: Theatre and Music, a Voice for Freedom

  February 25, 2013

due to a lack of understanding of cultural differences and lack of opportunities for intercultural encounters, exchange and collaboration. 15,000 sub-Saharan migrants living in Morocco today,suffer of discrimination that's why we believe that things can change if the Morocan can see them differently if only we can have the possibility to informe them and to bring them to undertstand knowlege and reconaissance of the other is a source of grouth