· March, 2013

Proposals Poverty from March, 2013

Uganda: A Day in a Rural Child's Life

  March 1, 2013

The project will use digital video to document and prod cast daily life experiences of rural children on micro-blogs and social network. The purpose of the project is to send out a message on the social, economic and cultural issues affecting rural children and also be able to solicit for innovative ways from around the globe on how to address challenges of early childhood development in rural Manafwa , Uganda.

India: Leveraging Media to Create Micro-Entrepreneurs

  March 1, 2013

Our project seeks to train rural youth in a combination of traditional and new media to promote demand for and access to entrepreneurial training in a region beset by poverty and unemployment through: a. Street plays: A hugely popular medium in rural India b. Digital video: To film the plays c. Social media: Facebook/ youtube, to present role models of micro-entrepreneurship to a the online community d. Radio programmes for All India Radio