Services such as health and education are not adequately provided with the aspect to cater for people with disabilities, considering their physical and or mental state.They are underrepresented and left on the fringes of the society.Lekeni Nsose(Let me speak out), will train the disabled and those serving them in citizen journalism and give them a platform to speak out to the wider community and create an impact on issues that affect them
Topical focus:
What locality or neighborhood will your project focus on?
Describe the specific community with whom you will be working.
The disabled of our community have limited mobility,lack of equal
consideration in society and other related social and economic
constraints.They have no skills and access to technologies that would
enable them to have online presence.They are equal citizens who need
equal representation,their voices are needed online so as to have their
views heard and let them participate in online conversations on issues
that affect them.
What kinds of news, stories and other content will be created?
Day to day life, challenges and opportunities which they face in accessing essential services and their civic participation,as well as other social and economic issues which affect them will drivecontent production.This will include individual short stories and participatory content in form of text and video.A group blog besides an aggregated Video blog will be created and published online, and maintained.
What technologies and digital tools do you plan to use in the trainings?
Other tools
How to use Mobile phones to create content through an Interactive Voice Response system
Describe the connections that you or your organization have already established that will contribute to the success of the project.
We have identified and partnered with other organisations and groups that
work with disabled people that will help us access and mobilise
beneficiaries ,and youth resource centres with computer labs to help us
provide access to computers and internet as well as meeting space for
camps.We also plan to create linkages with the association of people
with disabilities,the social welfare department, and the bloggers’ network in Zambia .
How many participants do you think will be involved in your project?
30 staff from organisations that directly or indirectly work with the disabled such as CBOs/NGOs that serve people with disabilities,women and youth organisations that serve the disabled, will be be trained as trainers,will further train other 60 focal persons among the disabled themselves.A bi-monthly boot camp will be organised to provide further mentor-ship,monitor progress and plan for further development.
Besides the microgrant funding, what other resources and support are you seeking for your project to ensure its success?
Recommendation of the project to other relevant institutions for collaboration. Domain name registration and hosting for content.Online marketing for the project and it's citizen media content to the relevant audience, a wider community and relevant stakeholders.
Contact name
Simon Wandila
Youth Skills for Development
1 comment
I have gone through this proposal and strikes me as viable. Knowing the Zambian environment well, I know that most people with disabilities in the country are literate enough to understand and carry out blogging of issues surrounding them considering that the mainstream media treats such issues as peripheral.