April 7, 2014

Proposals from April 7, 2014

Bolivia: Indigenous Women Against Gender Violence

  April 7, 2014

Since the project will use new technologies to make a campaign, visualization and awareness against gender violence. Through the production of a documentary video arrive, Women and indigenous and non-indigenous...

Macedonia: The Educational Platform

  April 7, 2014

We would like to propose the implementation of a learning platform on which people would be able to record themselves teaching certain skills, like foreign languages, computer sciences, drawing, cooking,...

Brazil: Vukapanávo – Go Ahead II

  April 7, 2014

This project resulted from a workshop held in 2012 with indigenous Terena-Brazil. In the workshop participants produced videos showing the non-indigenous elements of their culture, trying to deconstruct prejudicial thoughts....

Togo: Fika'oleo

  April 7, 2014

The project involves strengthening capacity and boosting the Togo OpenStreetMap community by advanced training on mapping OpenStreetMap and Quantum GIS. The goal is, through a program of activities aimed at...

Peru: Life Plan indigenous Shipibo

  April 7, 2014

he proposed Plan of indigenous communities living Shipibos project is important for the communities to plan their social, economic development and history, also known communities information through databases each area...